Draft Logo


This is my draft logo. My web blog “OURS” is about the love between me and my girlfriend Abby. The diamond in the middle is a symbol of forever. It represents that our love will last forever and never end. The position of the words also have their own meanings. The two words, “JAKK” and “ABBY” are at the widest part of the diamond, representing we were far way from each other before we met. Two words will end up meeting at the intersaction point where the “LOVE” is. It means our fates bring us together, and we love each other. As long as the love exists and blocks the two path, not allowing them to continue to cross over, we will be together experiencing everything. I am still struggling about what colours I should use for the words and the diamond. My blog’s background is black, and the words are white and yellow. I am thinking how I can apply the negative and possitive space onto the differnent triangles in the diamond and make more contrast.

4 thoughts on “Draft Logo

  1. My write-up is not completed yet. I was just writing the meaning of my designs for the draft and let my group members to comment on it first. As no one commented on my draft, I will think of something to modify my draft and finish the final logo.

  2. Hi Jakk. Thanks for sharing your logo. What I liked most about your logo was the layout. My eyes naturally read around the logo with the end result of the diamond pointing at “love”. I also liked the artistic chalk used at the bottom, along with the back glow effect which made an unannounced border.
    It might be interesting to use the rounded edge rectangular tool for the background to tie things together.
    I am also wondering what it might look like if you and your girlfriends name were both on the diamond in a coordinating color, possibly orange or like. It seems like with everything positioned around the diamond, there is not a lot of connection to each individual piece of the design.
    I look forward to seeing your finished logo design!

  3. Jakk,

    I really like the way you incorporated your topic into your logo. I also think your font and color choice was great. A few suggestions I have would be to maybe change the shape in the middle to a heart in order to create a bigger emphasis on the love you two share since that is the topic of your blog. I also think you should place your two names and the word love inside of the shape because it would symbolize the love surrounding your relationship. I think making these changes would create a more powerful balance and unity to your design. Another part of your design that I enjoyed was how you bolded the word “ours” and made the underlined detail because it is one more important detail to your design and ties your blog topic together. You have a solid start and some good ideas, I look forward to seeing your final piece.

  4. Thanks for your comments. I also think using a round-edged background might look better. I will try and see how it looks, but using orange words would reduce the contrast between the words and the other elements. I’ll try on some other colors though. Also, using a heart and placing the names inside would totally lose the meaning of my design, and it would look so ordinary. I think I’ll just keep the diamond shape and try to modify it based on my design. Thanks for your comments. They are helpful.

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